Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre Vás pozýva na cyklus vedeckých prednášok Interdisciplinárne dialógy, organizovaný pod záštitou dekanky Filozofickej fakulty UKF. Dňa 13. 11. 2019 (streda) o 14:45 hod. sa výnimočne v SIENI KONŠTANTÍNA FILOZOFA (Tr. A. Hlinku 1, Nitra) uskutoční prednáška prof. Eera Tarastiho s názvom „From Postcolonial Analysis to a Theory of Resistance – Social Aspects of Existential Semiotics.“ Prof. Tarasti pôsobí na katedre muzikológie, Filozofickej fakulty – University of Helsinki (Fínsko). Bol dlhoročným predsedom svetovej organizácie International Association od Semiotic Studies (2004-2014).
Prednáška sa uskutoční aj v rámci riešenia projektu VEGA 1/0282/18 „Charakter a vývoj nezávislej kultúry a umenia na Slovensku po roku 1989“.
Anotácia: The latest issue of existential semiotics is the so-called ’Zemic’ model with its four modes of ’being’ following the principles of Moi and Soi, i.e. Me and Society; they are body, person (actor), social practice and values. The origin of the model lies in Lévi-Straussian structural anthropology as well as in Paris school of semiotics (Greimas) with its ’semiotic square’. Yet, what is involved here are the two semiotic forces, one leading from body via stepwise sublimation to abstract norms and values, in the society, and the other from them via gradual embodiment to pure corporeal behaviour. In one word: from gegenständlich to ungegenständlich and vice versa.
This diagram in fact portrays the functioning of the human mind itself. At the end it explains why we are social creatures and follow the rules of our communities; it is because the social or the Soi is internalized in our minds. Now, two earlier theories of mine – namely the postcolonial analysis with its categories of dominant/dominated, langue/parole – and the theory of resistance based upon counter-current of signs via Being, Memory and History – can be also interpreted in the light of zemic processes. In the background loom the radically new notions of transcendence (in the semiotic context) and suprazemic reflection (the Hegelian reflection via the concept of the Essence, Wesen). All these epistemic ideas have their application on various arts, music included.
Eero Tarasti: Sein und Schein. Explorations in Existential Semiotics, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2015.
Eero Tarasti: Semiotics of Classical Music. How Mozart, Brahms and Wagner Talk to Us. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2012