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Teacher Training of Ethics Education in combination

  • Graduate Profile:
    The graduates have a well-developed understanding of the field of study as well as a command of the background and current trends of theoretical and methodological perspectives of pedagogical sciences with an emphasis on the teaching profession; they are also familiar with and comprehend the concept of institutional socialisation in a broader social-scientific context. They possess extensive scientific knowledge in their respective fields of expertise and are able to transform the scientific system of their field of expertise into the didactic system of the teaching subject and the field of education. They are conversant with the state’s current educational programmes and understand the theoretical foundations of the design, implementation, and evaluation of education and training. In addition, they have a solid comprehension of the extensive theory and practise in the lower and upper secondary levels of education, as well as the didactics of their field of study.
  • Graduate Employment:
    Based on the subjects of their approbation or specialisation, the graduates can be employed as teachers at the second stage of primary school (teachers for lower secondary education), teachers at secondary school (teachers for lower secondary vocational education, secondary vocational education, complete secondary general education, complete secondary vocational education, and teachers for higher vocational education), teachers at primary art schools, and language schools.

