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Marketing Communication and Advertising

  • Graduate Profile:
    The graduates possess the ability to work autonomously, conceptualising and creating content while considering the formal aspects of promotional materials. They are skilled in tackling tasks and resolving problems within specific areas of marketing campaigns, and demonstrate professionalism in their communication with managers, clients, and specialists in their respective fields. They exhibit a high level of proficiency in generating promotional materials, enabling them to successfully execute complex marketing communication and advertising campaigns. Furthermore, they possess comprehensive knowledge in the theories and practices of marketing, management, promotion, advertising, public relations, direct marketing, sponsorship, and other areas of marketing communication. They are also well-versed in media and mass media communication. Their understanding extends to fundamental disciplines such as psychology, sociology, linguistics, and economics. These graduates are capable of independently and creatively designing and implementing large-scale marketing and communication solutions, while conducting research in this field. They possess the skills necessary to manage teams of professionals in marketing communication and advertising, independently develop substantial projects, and assume responsibility for intricate marketing communication and advertising solutions.
  • Graduate Employment:
    The graduates possess the qualifications required for employment in various fields related to media and marketing communication. They are well-suited for specialised roles within advertising, media, and marketing agencies, as well as in the marketing and communication departments of both commercial and non-commercial institutions.

